Writing Studio

Developed to advance the writing skills of individuals from Grade-Four to Adult, Mr. Johnny’s Online Writing Studio provides parents and professionals with a convenient, evening instructional program delivered in the privacy of homes all across America.

Starting after 4:00 p.m. E.T., convenient evening classes afford students opportunities to receive instruction in their own environment, using our online platform to easily access class at the same scheduled time each week. Students with automobile Wifi connections are even able to join class while enroute home or while away on vacation.

Students benefit from four classes monthly with instructional time equaling six hours per month. All Memberships are month-to-month and governed by the Online Member Agreement.

Parents benefit from the avoidance of continued bouts with their local metropolitan traffic and students are able to receive rigorous instruction in their own environment.

​Mr. Johnny’s Online Writing Studio is a subscription-based membership.

2017 Spring Newsletter: "Heroes of Writing"